

Sunday, June 26, 2011

How do you know if your girlfriend is a freak...

OK. This next post is directed towards the fellas… So, ladies I know this is our site… But, believe me this will be beneficial for you, as well. Question, how do you know if your girlfriend is a “freak” or just “sexually experienced?” Answer, here’s how…

1. She gives great head.
2. Her “ride game” rivals that of Pinky… If you know who that is, and know the names of more than 3 of her “films” then you’re probably a pervert.
3. She has multiple orgasms during sex… whether she’s on the top, bottom or whatever position you think YOU created.
4. She has taught YOU a new position.
5. She made you cum within in the first 3 minutes and you swear this has never happened to you before because “I can go all night, baby.”

Well, sorry fellas, If your girl can be described by 3 or more of the previous statements. She is NOT a freak. She is just sexually experienced and YOU need to step up your game. Let’s keep it 100%. It’s 2011, and any woman that has been sexually active for more than 10 years, and has been having good sex, can probably screw like a champion.

Women are anatomically different than men (in case you didn’t know) and our sexual organs are on the inside of our bodies, which makes it more difficult for us to experience sexual fulfillment. Therefore, we require/ need to engage in more sex than a man to find out what works for us. So naturally, most of us are more sexually curious and eager to experiment than you are. So we practice and practice, sometimes with the same man, sometimes with multiple men, in an effort to find the right techniques to get us to that place of pure ecstasy. And once we find it… Sheesh, there is no going back. We want to perfect this technique and in addition, find new ones… Makes sense right? And the lucky man that helps us “reach this destiny” becomes the lucky recipient of all we have to give… Which becomes a recipe for experimentation, reciprocation and simply some really freaky sex :) If you are nodding your head, then you have been this man and fully agree with what I’m saying. If you are shocked, completely disagree or are disgusted, then you’ve probably never took a woman “there,” and are thus, likely, just really bad in bed and it sucks to be you. Women who have had great sex, love sex. We enjoy giving just as much as receiving, have mastered the art of the multiple orgasm and know how to get ourselves off, even if you don’t. So, if your woman flips you over, grabs you by the arms, squeezes tight and collapses after 2 minutes, she’s not a whore or a freak. She’s simply a woman who knows what she wants and how to get it. You just better be happy you were there to witness it. And if you play “your part” correctly, you just might be invited to see it again.

Any questions... :)

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